MAC - vpn reconnect script
2023. 7. 4. 00:00
MAC - vpn reconnect script
응용프로그램 → 유틸리티 → 스크립트 편집기 실행 후 입력
on idle
# Change these to your VPN's IP Address, and the VPN's name in your Mac's Network System Prefernces panel.
set vpnIPAddress to ""
set MyVPNName to "VPN(L2TP)"
# my public ip check (VPN IP)
set myIP to ""
set shellScriptCommands to {¬
"dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com", ¬
"dig TXT +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | awk -F'\"' '{ print $2}'", ¬
"curl ifconfig.me", ¬
"curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.org/ | grep -o \"[[:digit:].]\\+\"", ¬
repeat with shellScriptCommand in shellScriptComman
set myIP to do shell script shellScriptCommand
exit repeat # if successful
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
end try
end repeat
# VPN IP not equal start VPN Network
if myIP is not equal to vpnIPAddress then
tell application "System Events"
tell current location of network preferences
set myConnection to the service MyVPNName
if myConnection is not null then
if current configuration of myConnection is not connected then
connect myConnection
end if
end if
end tell
end tell
end if
end idle
이후 finder 에서 vpn_autoconnect2 더블 클릭해서 실행하고 나오는 권한 설정 해주면 됩니다.
by mkdir-chandler